The new semester is upon us and with Precision Data Products you will be able to save big this year on test scoring Forms. Our form PDP-4812 which is Scantron® form 1712-PAR-L compatible test will work perfect for the upcoming test. The PDP-4812 comes in packages of 25, 50, 100 or packages of 500. These forms are compatible with the ParScore Testing System. Another form that works with the ParScore is the PDP-8000 which is Scantron® Compatible form X-101864 PAR-L compatible. These are just a few of the ParScore forms that we have available, if you don’t see one the you require, please contact us and we may be able to do a custom form for you. Precision Data Products has been manufacturing forms for educators for over 29 years. All Precision Data Products forms are unconditionally guaranteed to Scan properly in the machine that they were designed .