How to Become a Better Test Taker

If you have ever said “I’m not a good test taker,” or “I just don’t do well on tests,” then this is for you. There are other quick and easy ways you can improve your test-taking abilities, even if that test is a state test, the SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, or your average multiple choice test in school. It doesn’t take a miracle, and it doesn’t include you sleeping on your top of your textbook either. Let’s dive into some of the ways that you can improve your testing strategy and results. If you’re looking for test equipment, like bubble answer sheets, Scantron compatible test sheets, and more, then shop Precision Data Products. We are now proud to offer discounts on large orders! 


Know How You Learn

Studying material is how you make sure it makes it into long-term memory, where it needs to be if you’re going to take the material with you into the test. The thing is, everyone learns differently. While reading and re-reading material may work for one person, it simply may not work for someone else. You might be a visual learner who needs to see things to make sense of them, or maybe you’re an auditory learner, and missing a lecture means missing a lot. You may also be a kinesthetic learner, and you may have trouble remembering material unless you can do them yourself. Identifying the way you learn best is key to knowing how best to study. Make the most of studying by tapping into a variety of learning methods to see which one works best for you. 


Find A Buddy

It can be extremely beneficial to study with a friend or classmate, working with them to better understand course material. When one person understands the topic better, they can share their wisdom with you, leaving you better prepared for a test than you would have been otherwise.


Handling Anxiety

For many of us, taking a test causes anxiety. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter how long you’ve been studying — you sit down at your desk and get nauseous, forgetting everything you’ve just studied. It is scientifically recognized that students who produce more stress hormones do worse on tests. So, while sometimes it is easier said than done, you may need to fight back against your anxiety. It may seem uncomfortable at first, and maybe even silly, but try repeating positive mantras to yourself before every test. Try saying things like “You’re ready,” “You can do this,” or “I choose to take this test to the best of my ability, and I know that I will have tried the best I could.” These mantras work to stabilize and counteract feelings of anxiety. 


Get Some Sleep and Feed Your Brain

When it comes to preparing for a test, no matter how big it is, it can feel easy to spend all day grueling over subject details and materials. It is important to recognize that your mind needs rest, just as much as your body does. Solid rest can recharge your mood and your attitude, not to mention, it will make you feel more prepared for the test. Sleep is imperative for our mental health and how we perform during exams. 

Along the same lines, it is important to feed your brain good food filled with nutrients. Try to eat a good meal or snack before you walk into the test room to maintain a level head and to give yourself brain power.